Saturday, September 15, 2012

Entrepreneurship and doing the impossible.

Entrepreneurship and doing the impossible.

Imagine the situation – you are a bank manager and the man sitting opposite you is pitching his business idea. He is going to sell a cartoon mouse to the public and build a business empire on the back of its success.
Now most bank managers I know would have been reaching for the security guard after the first few minutes, how can a guy be so crazy!

Entrepreneurship and doing the impossible.
I am of course talking about Walt Disney who literally created a $49 billion annual turnover company (or thereabouts on current performance) from the strength of a cartoon mouse.
You also probably know that Disney’s first attempt at an animation company went into bankruptcy? He did not allow this to stop his dream of initially building an animation business around a cartoon mouse and the rest as they say is history.

The lessons an entrepreneur can take from this is failure does not define who you are, and if the desire is strong enough you can do the impossible including building a company worth over $96 billion in market capitalization value.

Entrepreneurship and doing the impossible.     

Friday, September 14, 2012

Entrepreneurship and growth

Learn More About Entrepreneurship and Growth

Interestingly in nature, a tree for example keeps growing until a point where it starts dying, it does not really stand still for a year or two, or even a decade.

Now in the current economic climate there will be many businesses run by entrepreneurs that seemingly are not growing, but maybe that judgment is based on a single, limiting measure such as sales or revenue growth.
From an entrepreneurial standpoint that perspective is too restrictive. What about growing new ideas, or growing the original vision that created the enterprise in the first place for example? What about growing the potential and value of employees?

We Can Help

Apple is about to launch its new iPhone. Irrespective of whether you are an Android/Windows 8 fan or indeed an Apple fan one thing is certain, the product launch will attract massive publicity and more importantly massive sales. 

Apple plainly believes that it can continue to grow in the current deep recession by producing cool products that people want to buy.  This is a great example of linking entrepreneurship with growth and it is indeed part of Apple’s corporate DNA, instilled from its earliest days.

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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Entrepreneurship and doing what you love

Entrepreneurship and doing what you love

Some people go into business for themselves by buying franchises and other “off the shelf” business models. Providing the established methodology is used then success should ensue. But what about when it is your business idea? The one that came into your head and you are now running with it?
Passion can only result when you are driven and have a clear vision of what you want. You have to love what you are doing to really establish that passion. We are talking about the kind of passion that fires you and anyone else around you and those you communicate with. Passion is infectious; its presence in you will be detected by all those with whom you come into contact. 

In other words it helps you sell your dream and aspirations onto others. All of the recognized entrepreneurs have passion about their business. We often call such characters charismatic as well. The main thing is, it is all about loving what you do and where you are heading. 
 A reality check for any business you intend to start, or currently have is what is your current level of passion for what you are doing? If you don’t feel excited you may be in the wrong business and have swapped a run of the mill job for something else that is just another routine